Poker at
Gold Reef City
Poker has its origins in the beginning of the 16th century and has steadily gained popularity ever since. It has gone from being primarily a recreational activity confined to small groups of enthusiasts, to a widely popular spectator activity with international audiences and multi-million dollar tournament prizes.
Select a game for more info:
Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Progressive
A progress of up to a million rand
Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, stands for an exciting side-bet that can only be played if the player has already placed an ante bet on the base game. To participate, players must wager on the bet sensors in front of the bet boxes before the deal commences.
The game will carry on as per the regular Raise’em Poker rules and, should the player have a Straight Flush, Four Of A Kind, Full House, Flush or Straight hand, they will be paid out according to the jackpot’s value at that time.
The Xtra bet loses if any other combination is dealt. Jackpots are displayed directly at the table. The top three jackpots increment every time a bet is placed and ‘reset’ once they have been won.
How To Play
Click on the icon below to view the guide.
Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Progressive
A progress of up to a million rand
Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, stands for an exciting side-bet that can only be played if the player has already placed an ante bet on the base game. To participate, players must wager on the bet sensors in front of the bet boxes before the deal commences.
The game will carry on as per the regular Raise’em Poker rules and, should the player have a Straight Flush, Four Of A Kind, Full House, Flush or Straight hand, they will be paid out according to the jackpot’s value at that time.
The Xtra bet loses if any other combination is dealt. Jackpots are displayed directly at the table. The top three jackpots increment every time a bet is placed and ‘reset’ once they have been won.
How To Play
Click on the icon below to view the guide.
Heads-Hold ‘Em Poker
Heads-Hold ‘Em Poker, Players make an ante and odds wager of equal amounts and the optional Trips Plus and Pocket Bonus wagers prior to receiving any cards. Each player and the dealer will each receive two cards and five community cards will be spread face down. Once players have inspected their cards they can check (not bet the raise) or raise three times their ante wager in the raise spot. Once each player has made their decision, the dealer will turn over 3 community cards (the flop). Players who have not made a raise bet can now check or raise two times their ante wager.
When all decisions are made, the dealer will turn over the next two community cards (turn and river). Players may now bet one time their ante wager in the raise spot or fold. A player who folds will forfeit their ante and odds wagers, if they made either of the bonus wagers, they will remain in play.

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